Why are hexicans cheering on binance being attacked? can you guys not see the bigger picture?

Anyone cheering on binance being attacked isnt zooming out, you think they wont come for CRO or coinbase and eventually Coast? you gonna buy a house with your PLSX gains when you cant off ramp? My sisters old boss was interested in crypto and is very wealthy but since binance removed my local currency from being able to be deposited/withdrawn he couldnt get in with out jumping through hoops that he couldnt be bothered doing, banks have also put limits on how much we can send to crypto exhchanges, you guys love quoting RH about no “middle man” what happens when they take down exchange after exchange and eventually things like Coast.

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Exactly, CZ if part of the Old guard of Crypto. We’ve see the Gov’t toxic roots sommun scum like FTX.
I’m not saying CZ did all good, But he wasn’t fraudulent with customers funds & the more exchanges options in Crypto the better.

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I moved 100s of 1000s in and out of binance before fiat deposits/withdrawals were stopped in my country never had a single issue, im not fan of cexs, they should be treated like public toilets, do you business then in and out but for now they are needed, the amount of happy hexicans cheering this on is insane and disappointing