Why are HEX stake pools awesome? 🤩

HEX stake pools truly are the best way to stake HEX. Here’s why:

1. Winning Together :rocket:
One thing we did not expect when launching the first HEX stake pool in 2022 was how much fun they would be. The launch of a pool is an exciting time when the community comes together with the shared goal of growing the pool. It’s an incredible shared experience striving to max out the Bigger Pays Better bonus and watching more people join.

Once the stake starts, you’re winning every day together with the people in your pool earning trustless HEX yield.

2. Gas Fee Savings :fuelpump:
By consolidating many HEX stakes to just one, HEX stake pools offer massive gas fee savings to all stakers in the pool.

Most HEX stakers in a pool will never pay end-stake gas fees.

3. Increased Yield :moneybag:
HEX offers a bonus to bigger stakes. This bonus is known as the Bigger Pays Better bonus, an extra 10% yield up to 150M HEX staked.

By pooling HEX, stake pools offer a bigger bonus to stakers than they would have ever been able to receive on their own.

4. Instant Liquidity :money_with_wings:
When you join a HEX stake pool, you receive a pool token which holds your ownership in the stake.

These pool tokens are ERC20/PRC20 tokens that can be bought or sold on DEXs, allowing you to grow your position in a stake by buying more pool tokens, or exit your position by selling your pool tokens.

5. Yield-on-Yield :dollar:
With instant liquidity, pool tokens offer exclusive yield-on-yield opportunities that solo stakers can’t capture.

While your pool tokens are earning daily HEX yield, you can utilize your pool tokens in other DeFi products like liquidity providing, yield farming, or lending/borrowing.

Pool Party :mirror_ball:
Pool Party is a new platform launching Sunday, Feb 18th at 5pm PST that allows people and communities to design and launch their own trustless HEX stake pool.

It will be the start of a new era for HEX and truly will be a community party :tada:

To learn more about Pool Party, check out the Docs, and if you have questions join the Telegram. Follow Maximus on X for updates.